Sunday, August 5, 2012

Osmond Concert - June 16, 2012

I decided to add a few more pictures from the Osmond concert, even though I already posted a blog entry about it.  What a show!

At one point, Jay and Merrill came out into the audience to sing.  Merrill was closest to me.  Darn, I wish I'd known how to use this fancy camera!  Looking at the pictures after the show just made me that much more determined to conquer my fear of using this camera!

Of course, my favorite is Jay...

I don't think I've ever seen Jay perform on keyboard...

Now here's an instrument I was expecting Jay to play:  His drums!  That man knows how to play!

At the end of the show, the 2nd Generation joined the original brothers on stage for "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother."  Even Virl and Tom got in on the act, as well as Merrill's son, Justin!

It was so good to see Alan on stage again.  Earlier in the show, he joined his boys (2nd Generation) for a few songs.  I wish you could have seen the joy on his face as he performed with them!  Priceless!

After the show, I got to meet Tommy and thank him for his role in my conversion story.  What a sweet man!

If you ever get the chance to see ANY Osmond perform, DO IT!  They give the best shows ever!!!

Life is good.  :)


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