Saturday, August 25, 2012

Merrill Osmond's Mormon Youth Pioneer Pageant

What a wonderful opportunity I had this summer to participate in a small way in preparing for the Mormon Youth Pioneer Pageant that Merrill Osmond created.  Words cannot express what this meant to me.

The first day, I carried a lot of 2x4's...

The men worked extra hard...

After 3 days of working together, I finally got a chance to get a picture with Merrill...

Two of the finest people I've ever met...

And my new friends, Kati...


... and Jo...

This is Agatha with Merrill...  Photo by Kati Henshall.

Kati got a picture of me painting background scenery...

Kati also took this picture of sweet little Lexi...

... and Mike & Jo Davis...

This picture of my shirt was all over the internet within days.  Thanks, Kati!

I took this one of sweet little Emmett... He was a big "help"...

Those stage sections were HEAVY!

This little fella is such a DOLL!

Kati took pictures of Julie and me hamming it up for the camera as we painted the "log cabins" for the set.

Justin and Garrett got a little silly at the end...

When the rains came and the wind blew... even Merrill helped with the tarps!

My co-worker, Dawn, and Merrill...

Kati and Merrill...

Merrill surprised Dawn's sister with a phone call!

The finished stage!

I'll post another blog entry with pictures from the actual pageant.  July was a great month!

Life is good.


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