Saturday, August 25, 2012

Merrill Osmond's Mormon Youth Pioneer Pageant, Post #2

As promised, I'm making a second post with photos from the pageant.  Actually, there will be several posts with photos from the pageant! ha!  What a wonderful experience!

Opening night began with paratroopers jumping out of planes...

The presentation of certificates honoring many people and organizations...

Native American performers...

The pageant itself--over 150 children under the age of 25 performed in this production!

The fireworks were simply AMAZING!

On the second night of the pageant, we had a special entertainer and emcee for the night:  Nathan Osmond!

Nathan Osmond and yours truly...  :)

Shane Osmond

Garrett, the star of the pageant...

Be still my heart... I finally got to meet Jay!  He was sweet enough to pose for this picture for me.

Nathan is quite the performer!  As my dad would say, "That boy's got showmanship!"

Nathan and Justin duet...

I love this shot that I took of the horse and rider...

On closing night, Merrill surprised everyone by jumping out of a plane himself!

Yep, I was close enough to take these shots!  Merrill is a seasoned pro at what he does, and it shows with every performance.

The cast presented Merrill with a signed wagon wheel...

Kati and me... then Agatha and Kati...

Kate, from England, is another new friend.  She's being baptized soon as a result of getting to meet the Osmonds in June when she came to see the concert and go on the tour around Utah!

Merrill's sweet wife, Mary...

Justin saying good-bye to Kate.

What a wonderful, unforgettable experience!

Life is good.


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