Sunday, July 1, 2012

David Osmond

Getting to meet yet another Osmond was lots of fun.  David gave a wonderful presentation at the Multistake Single Adult Conference.  A quote I really liked:  "Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional."   He also said his father taught him to be T.U.F.F. (Target, Understand, Focus, Fight!).

David came out in the audience to get various people to help him sing popular pop songs.  He really did get this close to my table!  Awesome!

Those ladies were a riot!  Sorry I only had the little camera with me and though they're a bit blurry, these candid shots are fun, anyway.

After the show, he was out in the hallway selling his CDs and autographing them.  I already had the CD and was too broke to buy another one, but I got a chance to talk to him and tell him a snippet of my conversion story... like how I got my first copy of the Book of Mormon from his family, that his Aunt Chris had corresponded with me and told me about the missionaries, and when I met the missionaries I walked up to them, stuck out my hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Debi Griffin, I want to get baptized, where's the church?"  He fell out laughing!  So did everyone else standing in line.  David said, "You made their whole mission!"  (He served a mission in Spain.)  It was a brief conversation but really special.  He proudly told me his wife is also a convert.  What a sweetheart!  I'm sure his parents are so proud of him...

Life is good...

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