Sunday, June 24, 2012

Timpanogos Cave

While my son Russ was out here for Memorial Day this year, we decided to hike up to Timpanogos Caves.  What a hike!  I thought I would die by the time we got up that mountain.  Here are a few pictures you might enjoy seeing.

This is Russell.  He's my youngest son.  I'm so proud of him.  He's a pre-med student at Central Michigan University.

The views increased with beauty as we climbed higher and higher...

Russ took this picture of me huffing and puffing my way to the top...

Isn't this breath-taking?

I made it to the top!  I thought for sure they'd have to life-flight me off that mountain, but my sweet Russ kept saying, "Come on Mom, you can do it!"  Thank you, Russ, for encouraging me to keep going.

The view on the way down...  What a fun experience!  I highly recommend this tourist attraction to everyone.

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